The ULTIMATE GUIDE for finding your personal style (without following trends)
School is starting soon, and I can’t enter the new school year without any goals and expect a productive + successful school year. I will be focusing on 4 categories, being: mental, spiritual, athletic, and business.
When you don’t worry about whats gonna happen, it allows you to be a lot more present.
A Teezo Touchdown Album review - ☆☆☆☆☆
The Parable of The Prince and His Servants Bible Study
For teens! Shopping Spree · redecorating · cleaning · make ramen · skate · crochet
Since reading this book, I now know how my sport is supposed to be used not to highlight myself but to highlight the glory and wonders of God. It steered me into the mindset of how to serve my team and be an example.
Including a STEP by STEP tutorial using Notion
What if I told you seeking happiness won’t get you the eternal feeling you’re looking for?
Dealing with comparison, idolatry, identity, etc.