Goal-Setting For the New Season

School is starting soon, and I can’t enter the new school year without any goals and expect a productive + successful school year. I will be focusing on 4 categories, being: mental, spiritual, athletic, and business.

School is starting soon, and I can’t enter the new school year without any goals and expect a productive + successful school year. I will be focusing on 4 categories, being: mental, spiritual, athletic, and business.


Improve time-management skills

I need to be more intentional with my time. Whether it be in the morning before school, during classes, or after school. Before school, I plan to get a headstart on the day by waking up daily at 6 AM. With this extra time, I can get more things done without feeling like I don’t have enough time. I’ll use this time for my exercises, spending time with God, homework, and personal projects.
To lessen my wasting of time at school, I can use the little pockets of time that I find to do those same things. I’ll time block my days using Google Calendar to fit and plan things into my schedule. And to turn up my productivity up a notch, I’ll keep a planner. With that planner, I can keep track of assignments and things I intend to do that day or week.

Grow a strong mindset

I need a strong mindset for track. To strengthen this, I’ll start journaling more often and start visualizing.

Build Creative Muscle

If I want to pursue whatever creative venture in the future, I‘ll need to put my creativity to work. To achieve this, I plan to make 1 creative piece a week(on top of my weekly blog posts and graphic designs). This can be a painting, YouTube video, drawing, or TikTok.


Stay Obedient

First, to be obedient I need to be able to recognize what God wants me to currently do. This requires me to build my discernment and relationship with God so that I may be able to hear him clearly.

Magnify Christ in myself

Pray more often and feed my spirit by starting my day off with the word of God and using little pockets of time in my day to read His word.

Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the instructions Moses gave you. Do not deviate from them, turning either to the right or to the left. Then you will be successful in everything you do. Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.

Joshua 1:7-8 NLT

This verse reminds me to remain in God's word throughout this season. If I want to succeed and prosper this season, I must stay close to the Father.


Become the absolute best athlete that I can become

To become the best that I know I can be, everything will have to change. My mind, my attitude, and my habits. I need the drive and curiosity to want to learn new things and perfect them. I’ll have to train the same way I want to perform. I’ll have to cut out some foods and introduce more healthier eating habits. I’ll need to stay on top of my workouts and exercises. I’ll also need a strong mindset to conquer the tough workouts.

Make and place the top 3 at State Championships

Yes, this goal does sound far-fetched. Maybe even impossible. But to step up and become that great sprinter I’m aiming to be, I'll have to dream big. I’ll have to become delusional. Even if no one else believes in me, I choose to believe in myself and trust in God knowing that nothing is impossible for Him. My time will come, and when it does,
I’ll be ready.

Starting FCA

God is calling me to dive into FCA and I know that this is a stepping stone towards greater things. FCA stands for Fellowship of Christian Athletes. My goal is to start a FCA for my track team so that the spirit of Christ and excellence can be introduced.

Keep GPA over 3.5

This goal isn’t much of a focus but a standard. It shouldn’t be too hard for me to maintain since throughout my freshman and sophomore years I’ve kept a GPA over 4.5. With that being said, I still shouldn’t get too cocky and completely neglect my classes. If I want to look good superior recruiters, having a high GPA will definitely help that.


Start Freelancing

I plan to start posting and selling apparel designs on Instagram. In doing this, not only will I earn an income, but my graphic design skills will also grow. I’ll also gain experience in selling, marketing, research, and communication.

Sell at Farmers Market monthly

I’ve been meaning to sell jewelry at the Farmers Market for a while now. I want to start now since I need to start honing in an income. Selling monthly is a good starting point for me. It’ll not only be a good learning experience but also be very enjoyable since I can better monetize the jewelry and crafts I make.

To stay consistent with working on each of these goals, I’ll do check-ins. These check-ins will be done daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly(every 8 weeks). The daily check-ins would just look like everyday journaling with me reflecting on how productive I was throughout the day, things I had done well, and things I could’ve done better.


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