Life is Temporary

At the conclusion of my life, I won’t be able to take anything with me

I remember when my photography teacher introduced a music video by Johnny Cash called Hurt to the class. After seeing the video, it made me think deeply about how short life is and what I want and need to do before it ends.

The recurring lyric that spoke to me was:

“And you could have it all
My empire of dirt”

Seeing the montage of the rockstar movie life he lived and then cutting back to his old self forced me to think about the main purpose of why I’m living and breathing in the first place.

It’s to build up the Kingdom of God.

I don’t want to be so focused on living selfishly for myself and own pleasures and then arrive to the end of my life having nothing contributed to the Kingdom of God. I want to leave a legacy pleasing to God because, in the end, that’s all that matters. I’ll have nothing to gain except eternity once this life finishes. That could happen from old age, or in a few years. All I know is that I want and will take the things God has placed inside my heart and produce them to the best of my ability (with His help).

I can’t imagine living a life where I didn’t accomplish all the things I wanted to and know I could have. The thought sickens me. I don’t want to look back filled with so much regret about not living a life for God o and wasting my time on things that don’t pertain to my calling.

Will you continue to live a life lower than your calling, or will you choose to step up?


What do I want to leave behind? (your legacy)

How do I want others to remember me?

What has God placed inside of my heart?

Why aren’t I taking any action on those things? (your dreams)

Am I living a life pleasing to God?


or to participate.