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- Experience Joy Today: 3 Steps to Life Filled With Contentment
Experience Joy Today: 3 Steps to Life Filled With Contentment
What if I told you seeking happiness won’t get you the eternal feeling you’re looking for?

You might often hear the phrase, “All I want in life is to be happy.” or “I’m pursuing happiness right now.” Well, what if I told you seeking happiness won’t get you the eternal feeling you’re looking for? Because once things don’t seem to be going your way, that feeling is completely lost. Happiness is not something you should tie yourself to. The real thing that will get you that pleasure and contentment isn’t something you can make yourself. It is something that you receive: joy.
What’s the difference between happiness and joy?
Happiness: is based off of circumstance.
Joy: is based on knowledge, revelation, and gratitude.
Growing up in church, I’ve heard this comparison a thousand times. Yet, I never fully grasped the concept of having and keeping joy. I always thought that it would look like never-ending smiles and greetings, but this isn’t true. To really have joy is to be content through EVERY situation, whether it be having your seat taken at church, your siblings constantly bothering you, or experiencing a loss. But how can we be content if all the bad things are happening to us?
Know God
The book of Philippians is a prime example of how to stay in a state of joyfulness. Paul was writing to the church of Philippi about how they should remain joyful and preach Christ even though they were facing massive persecution. He wrote the letter while he was in jail for preaching about Christ! He was able to keep this supernatural joy because he knew God and His ways. He knew that God had plans of hope and a future for Him. That God would use his situation for a bigger purpose and would help him through his situation. Even though his current situation seemed hopeless, he saw eternal life. He constantly sought out the presence of the Lord. If you’re out of joy, it means you’re out of God’s presence.
To remain in the presence of God, you must read His word, pray, worship Him, and invite the Holy Spirit into your day + activities.
Know God’s Word
To know God, you must know His word. As you dive deep into His word, you’ll notice that your mind will start to change to be more Christ-like. Having the mind of Christ means everlasting contentment. You get rejected by someone? That’s fine, God says I am never alone. Your world past had been brought up? That’s fine, God says my sins are forgiven. Someone calls you ugly? That’s fine, God says that I am beautifully and wonderfully made. Do you see how everything changes? Just having the knowledge that God means well for you is enough to give you joy. This is exactly why you see some people going through seemingly the worst situations but still manage to be joyful. They know what God has in store for them. (Philippians 1:27)
Look at things from a New Perspective
This perspective change won’t always happen overnight. It’s a result of keeping the word of God in your heart. For example, whenever you see that one person who is very extroverted and always seems to be yelling, think about how that’s the way God created them. God made them to be very extroverted for His glory. They are loved and are God’s masterpieces. Another example would be a bad situation that you might be in. Instead of looking at it through the lens of defeat, ask God to change your perspective and look at it through the lens of hope, knowing that God provides you with everything you need. (Romans 15:13) He is always working. Coming back to the book of Philippians, we see this perspective at work in Paul when he says that even though he had gotten arrested, it helped him expand his ministry because he could continue to preach Christ in new environments and be an example. He saw that his troubles were helping other believers become more brave in their own ministries. (Phillipians 1:12-20)
Make it your goal this week to seek and maintain the Joy of the Lord. Whenever something tests you, ask God for help and peace. Choose joy, despite the circumstances.
Study Tips: Thoroughly study the book of Philippians and examine Paul’s supernatural joy.